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Imperial said:

Look if Nintendo actualy cared about graphics then we wouldn't have the Wii we have today , not that they don't think graphics is important ( as they did make somewhat of a leap from PS2 > to Wii) but it's obviously not one of their priorites , if developers collectivley make poor looking Wii qualities then there is little to no altenative to buying into shovelware.

It's one of the things you have to accept buying the most popular console , in order to apeal to the needs of the whole market it has to ignore the needs of many of it's segments hence graphics aren't always high on the list of priorities of the developers.

Wheras the whole PS3/360 consumer prioritises graphics and we'd never tolerate anything below SMG quality unless it's gameplay was of GTA IV's quality , so more often or not developers understand they have to create graphical master pieces to interest this type of consumer.


yuishire said : You know, even Wii have a decent graphics its still par with 360/ps3 graphics you know

the Wii isn't even on par with XBOX 360 launch games . 

 Yeah it is. Perfect Dark Zero looks like ass. So does Kameo and Call of Duty 2.


Shut up you Sony Whore.