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TBH, the artistic direction and graphics for Return of Samus are horrible, AM2R looks way better. But the gameplay could be very cool, but again, I'm cautious because Nintendo is going to release it a 40$, and I'm not paying that price for a remake of a 20 yo game with graphics that looks like it made on a Dreamcast. It's 2017 goddammit...

And no, I don't get excited at logos, Prime 4 will probaby be released in 2019, that's so far, that's when LoU 2, BGE2 and Death Stranding will be released.

Right now I'm more excited for Mario x Rabbids TBH, the game is beautiful, with a great Art Direction, and a really innovative gameplay. To me it's the most interesting Switch game of 2017, and it's a Ubisoft game