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ok, doing a rough prediction



  • I think first up will be Sucker Punch's new game, get a big AAA exclusive straight out the gate, hammer home the lack of MS exclusives shown yesterday
  • Sony exec comes out and talks about another great year briefly, the usual shit, then we get a story trailer for Days Gone, and a release of Q1 2018
  • Ted Price from Insomniac comes out, talks about how hyped the studio is to have such a world renowned franchise to work on, Spiderman gameplay reveal of about 5 minutes, see the villain and a mission
  • Shu comes out, talks about Japan's contribution to Playstation as they have mentioned big Japanese presence in the build up. GT Sport very brief trailer, release date, Knack 2 trailer, comes out September, Ni No Kuni II new trailer, releases first half of next year, April or May most likely. Then comes one of the surprises. I hope it will be another Japan Studio/From Software collaboration, but most likely Monster Hunter World from Capcom
  • Third party section, Destiny 2, CoD and a very small bit of Battlefront II as it got so much shown at EA's conference. Probably 15 minutes or so unfortunately
  • Dreams gets a small section, and new beta date confirmed just a couple of months away
  • Uncharted Lost Legacy trailer
  • PSVR section 5-10 minutes
  • a cult or fan favourite remaster, which they seem to like to do. Rumours on gaf suggest Shadow of the Colussus could be getting the treatment, others have said Shenmue I & II HD are being worked on. Both seem too good to be true to me, so I think it will be something more realistic
  • finishes with God of War trailer and release date
I hope there is at least one more big surprise, but those are my realistic expectation which will probably be wrong