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I wonder, personally i very much liked the series part 4 through 9 but after ffX i somehow started to feel disappointed.

The question is what will sales look like even if the game does come out good. If you look at the series history you'll see a great boom in sales with ff7 Yet after that those sales have systemacticaly started to stumble.

FF 12 revered by some as "best of the series" sold 5 million copies. It's not a small amount any way you look at it, but that was on a 100+ million userbase. What about ff13 if it comes with a userbase of less than 20 million?

Saying that every ps3 owner is a die hard ff fan is a myth just as silly as saying that Mario will get laid with Princess P. in the next Mario game.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there


