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potato_hamster said:
GoOnKid said:

This was my line: "Nintendo had been stupid in the past and therefore will be stupid in the future"
This is your line: "Nintendo has been demonstrably foolish and greedy many times in the past and therefore we shouldn't assume that they will not be in the future"

So you changed one word with a synonym and brought greed as a motivator. And now it has a COMPLETE new meaning!


Also, you refuse to talk about the rumoured price for the online service and yet you're filling all your lines with woulda shoulda coulda, which is in fact nothing else than spreading rumours yourself. Gr8 m8.

I believe you're just trying to spread fear. Now if only I knew what your reasoning behind this was...

It actually does have a completely new meaning, that's how language works. The words "shouldn't assume they will not" is not at all the same as "they will" at all. If you think it is, I strongly suggest you take some kind of program is logic or reasoning skills so that you can learn about the error in your thinking.

And then you misrepresent what I'm saying again. I didn't refuse to talk about the rumored price of the online service. I refused to treat the rumored price of the online service as if it is factual especially in using it in an argument in favor of Nintendo apparently making a pro consumer decision. Why on earth would I give merit to a rumor of what a company might do as an example of an apparent good consumer friendly thing when they haven't actually done it?

As for spreading rumors? What? What rumors have I apparently spread? The idea that Nintendo might actually make a 3DS successor that is incompatible with Switch games? How on earth can this be considered a rumor? All I'm pointing out is that it's a quasi-realistic possibility that shouldn't be surprising to anyone if it happens. I didn't say "I heard this was happening", or "I've seen a dev kit for this system" or anything else to push that I'm insisting this is actually happening. If you're interpreting what I've been saying as "hamster thinks Nintendo is making a 3DS replacement that is incompatible with Switch games" then you are not interpreting my words correctly, and again, it's on you to get better at interpreting what others are actually saying.

Spread fear? Give me a break. I'm just trying to inject a bit of perspective in amongst the high fives. There's a lot of people that are counting chickens before the hen has even laid an egg in this thread. Here I am pointing out that this is silly, and you argue that I'm trying to "spread fear"? No sir. Far from it.

Okay. You've spread awareness. Now we know that companys are after our money and that companys sometimes make anti-consumer decisions. Good job.