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GoOnKid said:
potato_hamster said:

No, no. I'm saying that saying "see Nintendo is definitely doing X" or "Nintendo is definitely not doing Y" is ridiculous because it's PR speak. All I've been saying in all of this is that Nintendo hasn't actually said the things people are interpreting them as saying - not that my interpretation of what they could possibly saying with the PR speak is correct. My entire argument this entire time is "you think Nintendo definitely means this, when it could easily be interpreted this other way" not "my way is the right way of interpreting this".

I'm not actually saying that Nintendo is definitely not making a more portable switch as a 3DS replacement that plays most of the Switch's games in the same form factor - in fact I think they'll be fools not to. All I've been saying is that Nintendo has made incredibly foolish decisions in the past, and we shouldn't assume that they won't make such boneheaded decisions out of nothing but pure greed again.


Your first paragraph turns your entire argument for the entire 30+ posts into nothing but hot air. Congrats, dude.

Your second paragraph shows once again this strange logic that Nintendo had been stupid in the past and therefore will be stupid in the future. Only difference to last time is that now you name greed as the root. While at the same time acknowledging that Switch iterations should be done business wise because Nintendo clearly makes more money that way. This makes me the third person in a single thread to tell you to make up your mind.

Ohh I'm sorry, is arguing with strangers on the internet over video games supposed to actually have any deeper meaning? Do you think any of your posts here are anything other than "hot air"? Don't kid yourself.

At this point, It's like telling any of the heads of Argonaut games in the mid-late nineties that they should be eager and happy to work with Nintendo again should the opportunity arise, and acting incredulous if they told you to stick it.

And you keep making this false asserion that I'm claiming "Nintendo had been stupid in the past and therefore will be stupid in the future", which is complete nonsense. The actual logic I'm employing is  "Nintendo has been demonstrably foolish and greedy many times in the past and therefore we shouldn't assume that they will not be in the future". I mean really, what reasons do we actually have to assume that Nintendo definitely will not make greedy, anti-consumer decisions in the future? The online service of the Switch has still yet to be revealed months after the release of the Switch. Nintendo could very easily be annoucing many greedy, any consumer decisions in the new few weeks about that alone.

Side note: I bet you dollars to donuts if I told you in November that Nintendo would be cancelling production of the NES Classic six months from then when during that entire production run every single unit that hit a store shelf was snapped up within hours and was still selling at over three times retail cost online at the time this decision was made, you'd probably tell me off for suggesting that Nintendo would do something so stupid. But who would be right?

I refuse to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt other people do. Simply pointing out that Nintendo could easily do something incredibly anti-consumer yet again shouldn't ruffle any feathers, yet here we are with people acting like we should just trust Nintendo to be this awesome, consumer-friendly, great to work with company they have never ever been.