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glimmer_of_hope said:

Approximately 2 months after Tim Allen said in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel that Hollywood acts like "1930's Germany" for basically having conservative views the show was cancelled even after having strong ratings.


This follows on the heals of other communist like actions from the intolerant Left such as:

Shutting down Milo Yiannopoulos twitter account and protesting his Berkeley speech.

Protesting Ann Coulter again trying to speak at Berkeley.

Google censoring and demonitizing Right leaning views.


Why is the Left so against free speech? Why must they protest anyone that has a different opinion from theirs?

Why make a thread about free speech if you don't know what it means? Milo was shut down on Twitter but Twitter isnt a public arena that everyone has access to, so it doesnt have anything to do with free speech. Tomi Lahren lost her job, not the right to say her opinion. And the right to protest IS free speech! But the right has a tendency to be sensitive snow flakes whenever they are criticized ☺.