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Dno said:
brute said:
Dno said:
Ill never aggree to what any of you are saying i think some games look better and thats my opinion...... and if by the last Screen shot you are telling me SMG lookd better then riddick i really dont care...... wii fanboys just admit that xbox can push wii graphics......... and it has..... 3-4 years ago

well ofcourse that is just your opinion,but you cant tell me that wii will never have better graphics then xbox

NEVER said that... again you fail to read what i am saying... all im saying is that the wii has never  pushed to  far passed xbox graphics yet. I said that what ever the wii has done the xbox has done it 3-4 years ago. i cant tell the future neither can you so stop acting like you can.

 I disagree with the post and i have proven it with many pics. I never said that xbox was stronger no one knows that because nintendo did not release any specs. All i no is that (which i have stated before) no one gme so far has the wii shown me that looks any better then  some games on last gen.

 and please hold you mouth if you think i dont own any game i worked at Gamespot for 3 years i own prolly more then half of you. i hate it when people try to prive their point by saying "you dont own the game"... im prolly he biggest mario fan you no... but the games graphics are not AMAZING by any standards but wiis standards.

first off you showed pc pics,secondly wii standards are higher then last gen standards so if there high for wii then theyre much higher then xbox standards

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"