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Goodnightmoon said:
mZuzek said:

Called it.

I don't get some of your complaints, though. "Too much shit going on all the time", when this is a much slower-paced movie than the first one, and has genuine moments of nothing going on? Vol. 1 was blistering action nonstop, there were barely any moments to sink in at all. "Too much like the first one", I guess it is true for some of the jokes and maybe the scene where Yondu uses his arrow, but for the most part the movie is very different from the first one in story and tone.

"Ugly color palette" I won't even get into, I'm assuming you're colorblind. You should see a doctor.

Having tons of pointless moments is not the same as being slow-paced, those moments where they are supossed to let the movie breath and sink in are usually too short or quickly interrumped by some sketch, wether it fits or not, I remember the first one being smarter about this.

The movie has a different focus than the first one, sure, but it still manages to produce many deja vu moments, it also exagerates too much some things that people liked about the first one, like the humor and the personality of some characters, to the point where it seemed a bit parodic sometimes.

The ugly color palette is a personal thing but I'm not sure i'm the one that needs a doctor since one of the friends I saw the film with is a colorist and he was not very convinced about the way they composed those B movie colors at all, but even then is still a personal thing. It wasn't only the colors though, the movie is visually flashy but also messy, is definitely not a great example of image and color composition, which doesn't mean is absolutely horrible either, some parts look better than others and I get the aesthetics they are aiming for, but I don't think they were very on point.

The movie was shot on a RED 8K as means for better color grading than the original. It is evident when you see the movie in a bigger IMAX laser screen format. But considering the fact that CGI was overly used, it negates the purpose of the shots. Some of the scenes in the private planet of Celestial Ego looked great while being trippy at others.

Overall, I was disappointed with the forced jokes throughout the movie, instilling that deja vu effect. Those drax scenes in particular had me cringing so much and made me wonder why this guy was cast in the first place. 

To talk about some scenes losing purpose at all, one prime example was Nebula and Gamora having their intimate sisters' scene, which started off as Nebula's raging attack from an M-ship only to be followed by Gamora using the fallen blaster.