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A long read but worth it.

Some Key Points

-XB1S and Scorpio planning started almost immediately after the XB1 launch.

-Scorpio actually had two different prototypes like Neo did. A 2016 version and 2017 version.

-Scorpio in its current form was based on a price point that a console gamer would want to pay.

-A main reason for Scorpio being tied to XB1 is because single games are starting to span generations.

-Main reason for Scorpio was that XB predicted 4k growing faster than estimated and wanted to cater to that.

-XB has constantly been making handheld designs/prototypes and streaming USB sticks, but hasn't ever pulled the trigger.

-VR is still early, and XB is still working on it and has plans, but for now will simply support other VR devices and games on Scorpio.