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DMeisterJ said:
rocketpig said:
Darc Requiem said:
I don't know whats more disconcerting. The fact that Konami thinks they can spin their way out of this or the fact that so many are will to eat the BS they are serving with a grin. 

I second that. I can't believe so many people are eating up Konami's company line when it's such a blatant PR spin to ward off the outlash from the gaming press.

I'm eating it up, and it tastes good.

Cause Dammit, it's freakin' Hideo freakin Kojima.

If the install time was an hour, and it had three hour cutscenes, I'd take it with a smile on my face.

Konami trying to color reviews is slap in the face to Kojima, but apparently is biggest fans are ignorant to his fact. I don't know Kojima personally but I'm pretty sure he'd rather have people discussing and playing his game and not talking about Konami's restricting reviewers from releasing information that has nothing to do with spoiling his plot.

If you are defending Konami for this you are fanboy plain and simple. A lot the people that have no problem with this are the same people that blew a gasket over Gerstmann getting canned at Gamespot. The type of crap Konami is pulling is what leads to incidents like what occurred at Gamespot. What if someone made and published a review about MGSIV with no spoilers but it contained the length/amount of cut scenes and the installation information about the game. Konami throws a stink about it and the reveiwer gets fired. It would have been Gerstmann gate all over again. Just because you like MGSIV doesn't make it right that Konami tried and mostly succeded in censoring its reviews.