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I have no doubt that someone has probably made a thread like this before here on this forum, but I'm still relatively new here and want to continue getting to know everyone, so I hope no one will mind my creating this one. What are your favorite movies from say the last couple of years?

Here are my picks:


1. Mad Max: Fury Road
2. Carol
3. Inside Out
4. Chi-Raq
5. The Martian


1. Rogue One
2. Arrival
3. Moonlight
4. La La Land
5. The Lobster

When I was little, I remember my favorite movie being the original Escape to Witch Mountain (1975), which appealed to my sense of estrangement from the world while also being just plain fun. That changed though when Tank Girl (1995) came out when I was 13. It successfully captured the type of fun-loving angst that I'd really begun to feel toward life at the time and which I have never fully outgrown. It's still my overall favorite movie to this day, mostly for subjective, aesthetic reasons rather than objective ones. (It's not objectively among the better movies out there. :P ) I still find it fun today as a reflection both on my own youth and as a great concentration of the whole ethos of that era's highly entertaining, punkish third-wave feminism that I have a much better grasp of now than I did at the time.