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In how I enjoyed them:
1. Rogue One
2. A New Hope
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Force Awakens
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Phantom Menace
7. Empire Strikes Back
8. Attack of the Clones

Above I said I liked Return of the Jedi more, but I was focusing too much on the final confrontation, when the reality is I enjoyed the Luke Skywalker story overall a lot more in A New Hope. While I realize a lot of people like Empire Strikes Back, I didn't find it very interesting, it was slow paced and nothing much happened compared to the other movies. Plus there were a lot of silly things like attacking an ice planet with giant oversized walkers, what? Yoda was pretty inconsequential in the film, as were those bounty hunters. The whole movie seemed like a big pitch to sell merchandise. The only movie I found less interesting was Attack of the Clones.

What the prequels have going for them is the much more effective looking lightsaber battles. In the old movie, aside from Luke's flips in Return of the Jedi, there's nothing spectacular about the dueling. They look like they trained a few months in a University sparring class, and completely lack anything that looks like they're using a super human skill like the force. That was one of the downsides to having primitive special effects. So early lightsaber fights look silly by today's standards. On the downside, the prequels also made the lightsaber fights look a bit too cartoony.

Rogue One to me is the best of the films. It's gritty, the battles are more spectacular, the physics seem a lot more realistic; and it is at least significantly better than Phantom Menace and Force Awakens on a rewatch, as it is not bogged down with all sorts of expository scenes and coincidental encounters. It was a really well crafted film, and it had a lot of actual tension and drama; almost completely lacking in all of the other Star Wars films, except for like 5-10 minutes of Revenge of the Sith, and a bit of Force Awakens.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.