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Since we have now seen the streaming extravaganza that is Uncharted, people realize that the installs are a more a matter of developer effort than anything else.
Now, if developers were actually using it to really, really benefit the game (it has got to be major, if it is to be excusable) then I can accept it.
But when you look at a game like Devil May Cry 4 (long installation, 4,5 GB space on the HDD, packed with loading screens) and compare it to Uncharted (no installation, all data streamed to the harddrive and cached, the only loading screens you see are the ones when you start the game), it tells the consumer that Devil May Cry had sloppy developers.
I don't think that we have had a single PS3 game, which required an installation, that could not have been made to stream all the data from the disc. Even Oblivion.

Please Naughty Dog! Let all PS3 developers have a go at your streaming technology, save our harddrives!