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The hologram/matrix theory is certainly interesting, and seems plausible, but there are so many potential variations of that theory alone it boggles the mind.

Here are just a few:

1. We live in the matrix, just like the movie.
2. We live in the matrix, just like the movie, except we really almost wiped out our species and the AI/machines saved us from extinction.
3. We live in a matrix, but one that was created by a human/alien business, and your just on a virtual vacation where one day in the real world is equal to 10 years in the virtual world.
4. We live in a matrix, that we created because real life is so cruel, horrible and chaotic, that living a fake virtual life is by far the best way to "live".
5. We live in a matrix, but real life is so very much harder than it is in what we know as "real life" (the virtual world), that we purposely created a matrix and use it as a teaching tool to guide us to a point where when we "die", we are finally strong and wise enough to stand a chance in real life.

I could go on and on and on but when science says the universe is infinite, they clearly aren't joking.

My best friend has his own non religious theory about life. He thinks the whole infinity thing is more about "size" than space. He believes that our universe is like a cell in a tree or another being or something else, and that things just keep getting smaller, as well as larger, the further you look. This seems plausible as well. If you ever look at the structure of an atom, then look at the solar system, or even just Earth, will all the satellites spinning around it, it's very similar. If you ever look at the universe from a distant viewpoint, and look at the internal structure of the brain and its cells, its eerily similar.

The truth of the matter is as much as some people would like to know everything, the true meaning of life and why we are here, the possibility that its for our own good and this is the best it gets, is just as possible as we're trapped in "hell" and real life in an oasis.

All we can do is live our lives however we see fit, and try to enjoy the ride. Whatever happens along the way, happens.