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JEMC said:

I decided to skip Seagate altogether after seeing bars like these:



It's good I didn't buy a 3TB one then

In the end I opened it and used it today, so the damage is done... will check out how long it lives~

Pemalite said:

I personally haven't owned a Seagate since the mid 90's back when they had the 10,000rpm Cheetah drives.

But... Some Western Digital Drives are notorious for early deaths.
Case in point: Western Digital Greens with their aggressive head parking that leads to fast wear and tear.
Or the Seagate ST3000DM001 which had failure rates of almost 30%.

Or the old Hitachi "Deathstar" drives.

It's not so much the brand that matters, but the individual models.

Thanks for the slight ray of hope!!!

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