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  • The emphasis is on getting the Switch, which will be three months and two weeks old, on everybodys' minds.
  • Therefore, the opening of Nintendo's show will be focused on Splatoon 2, which will likely be released in late June or July.
  • Information and 2017 release dates will be given for Fire Emblem Warriors (September), Super Mario Odyssey (November), and Xenoblade 2 (December).
  • Some new non-gaming features will be mentioned, like a web browser and Netflix.
  • Nintendo will make an honest attempt to showcase some third party games. This will include multiplats. Certain publishers will get more attention, based on their investment in the Switch and prior investment in the Wii U. Bandai Namco, Koei Tecmo, Sega, Square Enix, Warner Bros, and Ubisoft are most likely to announce new games for the Switch, either here or elsewhere.
  • Nintendo will be sure to announce several new Switch games, including at least one major one released in 2017. Likely candidates include:
    • Animal Crossing 5 - It's been a few years since New Leaf, and this could tie into the mobile game. However, it would be delayed by Splatoon 2 taking precedence.
    • Fire Emblem - Technically already announced for 2018.
    • Mario Party 11 - ND Cube will have had at least two years since their last game to make this.
    • Nintendogs - Actually a good fit for the Switch, especially since that series is made by the Mario Kart team.
    • Retro Studios - Rumored to be working on a new IP.
    • Tomodachi



  • Games like Knack 2, Insomniac's Spider-Man, the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy, and God of War 4 get release dates for the second half of 2017.
  • GT Sport and The Last of Us Part 2 are announced to be 2018 releases.
  • LittleBigPlanet 4 is announced for a Holiday 2017 release.
  • Kojima shows his thing, and we might even know what genre it is.
  • David Cage will show how his new game has polygons and emotions.



  • Xbox Scorpio is coming in November. Isn't is shiny and powerful? We're updating some older games to run better!
  • The Scorpio's "Launch Game" is Forza 7. 4k and 60fps?
  • Games of latter 2017 include Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2.
  • Halo 6 is announced, and is meant to take full advantage of the Scorpio.


Electronic Arts

  • This year, the sports games will feature smarter AI and better passing.
  • Bioware will announce a new IP. It might even turn heads.
  • Star Wars Battlefront 2017 will feature at least one set of locations from The Last Jedi. It will alleviate the original's lack of content by including som, but not all, of the content from te 2015 game and its DLC.
  • Visceral's new Star Wars game will be shown. It will either be an Action game or a single player oriented shooter.
  • The new Need for Speed will be shown, but people won't be sold after 2015's entry.



  • Assassin's Creed will return, and will use the Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution, which has been considered a candidate for the series in the past, would be useful in that it portrays a period of conflict (someting that the better games in the series had), would provie a novel setting (disctinct architecture in cities like Petrograd, Moscow, Warsaw, etc), and provide the complex background necessary to make people care about Assassins and Templars.
  • Ghost Recon Wildlands will be another Ubisoft open world shooter.Also, Far Cry 5 will be announced within a few minutes.
  • Either Beyond Good & Evil 2 will get a teaser, or we get a new Rayman.


Bandai Namco

  • Ace Combat 7 will get a release window and plenty of details, forcing people to remember that the series hasn't gotten a numbered entry in a decade.
  • From Software will hint as to what they're working on next. It's a new Action RPG series. And maybe Armored Core?
  • Tekken 7 will have just come out, and Namco will brag about how this series only had 8 years between main entries. Oh, and their post-launch plans will be mentioned.
  • A new Tales game might be announced around this time, but not at E3.



  • Sega shows off their new Sonic game. It's Sonic Generations 2, with the game's gimmick being that levels are heavily remixed versions of older games' stages. For example, you have a version of City Escape in firey ruins, a version of Chemical Plant Zone overgrown with vegetation, and so on.
  • Call of Duty 2017 will be Advanced Warfare 2. Relatively little of it will be in space.
  • Kingdom Hearts 3 will get a release year announced.

Love and tolerate.