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Hey guys and girls.

I bought my first proper gaming monitor yesterday. It's an Acer Predator XB270HU and if you're wondering whether a gaming monitor can improve your gaming experience much: it can!

I went from a 1080p 27" BenQ 60HZ monitor to this 1440p 144Hz G-Sync beast and it was probably the best $600AUD (approx $450USD) i've spent on my computer (that's second hand).

I already play way better in shooters and the improved resolution, colour accuracy and refresh rate combined with G-sync make single player games far more enjoyable too.

I know graphics aren't everything, but I feel like games are now looking the way their creators intended them to look, and 1440p seems to be the sweet spot for a 27" monitor. It really doesn't seem to impact performance much over 1080p and the image is noticeably cleaner.

Anyway just thought I'd let everyone know how pleased I am. If you have any questions about it feel free to ask.