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Pemalite said:

You do realise that the Cell was used for more than just the Playstation right? There is a reason why other companies threw their weight behind it, Sony didn't carry the entire burden of the Cell's development.
IBM invented allot of the I.P. (PowerPC) which companies like Apple (Mac) and Microsoft (Xbox) licensed in their own semi-custom designs.
Mercury Systems used it in it's Blade servers, which trickled into defense and military segments, IBM used it in Super Computers, pretty sure Toshiba threw it into Televisions...
Besides, you are just re-affirming my point. Sony and Microsoft are not going to take losses on console hardware. That includes everything, including R&D.

Yes I was aware. We clearly agree on this matter like you said. The rest is minor details.

Pemalite said:

Contrary to popular belief, Microsoft cannot just throw as much money as it see's fit to "fix" a problem. 
It has to abide by various laws... And it needs to keep shareholders happy.
Competition is a good thing for the market, which is why I would prefer Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo to be on equal footing... As that will benefit the consumer the most with lower prices and better products.

Still doesn't change the fact that MS could make it happen one way or another. The shareholders may be angry right now, but would change their minds when MS had an open highway for their next console like PS did with the PS1 and PS2. However, like I said, I wouldn't want that to happen for the reason you re-affirmed.

Pemalite said:

AMD isn't a person. It is a business. - It doesn't care if other business's are "hurting" as it doesn't have feelings.
AMD is comprised of thousands of different people who all have different ideas and perspectives.

Businesses are not people, logically, but apparently corporations are, but thats a whole nother topic altogether. It doesn't mean that businesses don't have relationships on some level with other businesses, because they most certainly do. In the end though, money talks.

Pemalite said:

If nVidia or Intel gives Microsoft or Sony a better deal, you can bet your ass that they will choose them over AMD.

You are just re-affirming the "there's nothing saying PS and MS may not look elsewhere in a pinch" and "PS and MS aren't completely locked in if they don't want to be" point I made, so we agree.

Pemalite said:

Ryzen isn't on the market, thus we have zero idea if it will take any relevent marketshare.
Even when AMD was beating Intel, Intel still controlled the majority of the market.
Plus AMD isn't releasing any high-end chipsets to go with Ryzen, Ryzen itself is also not going to be as fast or as efficient as Intel.
Ryzen has taken multiple cost-efficient design choices though to keep costs low.
And there is also some rumours (To be taken with pinches of salt) that Ryzen has a few bugs that may hinder performance in some cases, bugs in CPU's aren't uncommon, but ones that impact reliability and performance aren't a good sign. (Case in point: TLB in Phenom.)
As for x86. There is no requirement that forces Microsoft and Sony to use x86. ARM can already soundly beat Jaguar.

Right now most of this is rumour when it comes to Ryzen. We may have seen what it can do as of the December New Horizon event, but considering the rumours stated it wasn't performing near that well just months earlier, and rumours that clocks may be even higher at launch, it may be better than we think. There are rumours of bugs as well correct, which may throw a wrench in the good faith AMD and Ryzen has built up until now. We'll see what happens at launch.

PS or MS could use ARM yes, but unless it makes giant leaps in the next couple years, x86 would be the smarter choice for next gen. After that though, based on ARMS pace of advancement, it could give x86 a run for its money. There's a reason AMD has been tinkering with ARM for while now.