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numberwang said:

Estimation say that there are 11.4 million Illegals in the US currently. If only 1/3 voted it would be nearly 4 million votes - Trump's estimation of 3-5 million illegal votes is plausible and reasonable, definitely nothing to ignore.

More proof would be great - so let's have federal voter ID so we can settle this question once and for all.

Only 33%? That number seems ludicrous when you understand that less than 60% of the people in the US who can legally vote actually voted. Also, voter turnout is heavily skewed towards high income brackets. Of people making under $30k, only 31% voted in 2014 (would be a little higher during president voting but not more than 10%). Voter turnout is also skewed heavily against hispanics, with only 48% of eligible Hispanic voters voting in 2012 compared to 64.1% of eligible white voters or 66% of eligible black voters. While you can say "Only 33% of illegal immigrants would have to vote to fit Trump's estimation", even if it was legal for them to vote they might not even have that high of a turnout.