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If Scorpio is just a Pro with a slightly better GPU then its not going to sell very well.

If this has been XB's plan the whole time, then they should have just launched Scorpio at the same time as Pro and used the RX480 GPU at 5.5Tflops. Put it in an X1S sized box with external power brick, or X1 sized box with internal power supply. That would have gotten better sales as it would have gone head to head with Pro and would have had a clear hardware advantage. Launching a year later than Pro for 0.5 more Tflops (6) is just a really dumb idea.

This makes me think whether or not the GPU is Polaris with more CU's or a gimped version of Vega, odds are Scorpio is using a Ryzen CPU in some shape or form. This is probably the main reason for XB to wait an entire year to compete with Pro.