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Torillian said:
konnichiwa said:
BengaBenga said:
Wow, I'm amazed that there are even people that defend Konami here.

What happened to freedom of press? What happened to expecting an unbiased review from reviewers?

If Konami fears bad reviews, they should not send review copies, but if they do I think it's absolutely unacceptable to set demands for the review.

Just saying, you would be surprised how many devs do this.

Exactly, I thought we all knew that the reviews before release are almost always tainted in some way or another. People here punishing MGS4 for an industry norm is just ridiculous. Are you going to punish every game that you don't think deserves the scores it gets before release? Too many people are using this as a reason to punish a game or talk bad about a game that they never liked in the first place, forgetting that some of their favorite games could have easily done the exact same thing, they just didn't get caught.


Well, I didn't really see a lot of that until the ridiculous GTAIV reviews.
Why on earth is it ridiculous to question the industry norm? If it's the norm to buy review scores this whole industry is rotten and people shouldn't react with an attitude of "ah, well, this happens all the time. Who believes early reviews anyway, that's the way it goes, live with it".
But this is probably more a case of "don't touch MGS, it's Jesus on a Blu-Ray disc".

MGS (1) is in or close to my top 10 all time games, but I, opposed to a lot of others here, can seperate my feelings for a game and my opinion about (in this case) Konami's business practices. 

Benga, are you calling for more regulations and laws on how videogame companies run?  It looks that way and that is the exact opposite of what is best for gamers.  The less connected governments and game companies are, the better it is for all of us.

No, where did you get that from. I don't want regulations. When I posted it I would have thought that most gamers would be raving mad about stuff like this. Apparently I was wrong. But still I hope that more magazines and websites will start acting like EGM and become real journalist instead of some kind of puppet from the game companies.
I really don't see where you'd get the idea that I want government influence.