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konnichiwa said:
BengaBenga said:
Wow, I'm amazed that there are even people that defend Konami here.

What happened to freedom of press? What happened to expecting an unbiased review from reviewers?

If Konami fears bad reviews, they should not send review copies, but if they do I think it's absolutely unacceptable to set demands for the review.

 Just saying, you would be surprised how many devs do this.

 Exactly, I thought we all knew that the reviews before release are almost always tainted in some way or another.  People here punishing MGS4 for an industry norm is just ridiculous.  Are you going to punish every game that you don't think deserves the scores it gets before release?  Too many people are using this as a reason to punish a game or talk bad about a game that they never liked in the first place, forgetting that some of their favorite games could have easily done the exact same thing, they just didn't get caught.
