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I've tried to analyze why Demi-chan is such a great anime.

In every scene you find little details in the scene or animations you won't see in other animes. Things that further the narrative by the mantra of "show, not tell".
They tackle the premise not from a comedy angle but with sincerity. It's not wacky monster girls doing wacky things. It's monster girls trying to fit in and cope with their differences rather than flaunt them. It's a very mature approach. Maybe the most mature anime I have seen since Maria.
The dialogue flows naturally and has great timing. The characters actual feel like real characters.
They tackle all topics head on instead of losing themselves in stupid misunderstandings or just hinting at the problems and just leave it like so many other SOL animes do.
The only bit of fan service they showed so far had an actual meaning and so can't really be counted as such.

If they play their cards right and stray further from the tropes and expectations it could actually become a 10. It's the best anime of the season that nobody watches because of the premise.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.