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Alkibiádēs said:
curl-6 said:

In it's first year Wii U also got Wind Waker HD, New Super Luigi U, Sing Party, Wii Sports Club, Wii Party U, and Wii Fit U. That's 9 first party titles in its first year, Switch doesn't look like it will significantly surpass that unless they're holding back a ton of announcements.

I mean, if this is supposed to replace 3DS as well as the Wii U, then where's Monster Hunter, Pokemon, and other portable staples?

That's 14 months you're counting for the Wii U and most of those games weren't very good...

New Super Luigi U was just DLC. I know they gave it a retail release as well, but it's still just DLC.

Sing Party was developped by a third party studio... And well... It's Sing Party, who cares? Notice how I didn't include games like Fire Emblem Warriors either for the Switch? I only listed first-party developped games. 

Wii Sports Club was a huge bomb. It might as well have not been made. 

Wii Party U somehow sold a lot (for being on the Wii U anyway), but it was still a bad game. 

Wii Fit U was another huge bomb. The Wii crowd had abandonned the Wii U.

Most of the games you listed were small, low quality and sold poorly. No wonder the Wii U bombed the way it did. 

Why would Gamefreak announce a new Pokémon game already and cut the legs short of the sales of Sun & Moon on the 3DS? Monster Hunter is a third party game, ask Capcom where a Switch Monster Hunter is. 

I'll gladly take my new Zelda, 3D Mario, Splatoon 2, new character IP (that isn't based on fucking Mii's), improved Mario Kart 8 and Xenoblade Chronicles sequel over the games you mentioned. 

To be fair, 1-2 Switch and ARMS looks pretty bad also.

I'm not defending Wii U first year, it was terrible but if Switch has Nintendo's full development workforce behind it, why does it have only 4 major new games announced for 2017?