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Ok, so I know everyone loves at least 1 or 2 things that Nintendo announced, but it seems like the majority of people are disappointed by what they show. My own brother in law made a comment that it was way too Japanese centric, which occured to me that makes sense because they are trying to recapture that market. A number of games were announced AFTER the presentation

Anyone have a running list of how many were announced?

The reason I ask is to hopefully encourage the doubter that Nintendo said over 80 games were in active development, yet how many of those 80 were announced? How many will be announced today during the treehouse or possibly during a Nintendo direct prior to March?

Nintendo, unlike Sony and especially Microsoft, don't tend to show off games that are 1-2 years away or ones that excite fans and then never come out. They tend to only show off games if they are launching in the next 6 months or so.

So, does anyone have a number and, what games do you PREDICT are being made from the developers that have either said they are making something or their logo was shown?