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LuckyTrouble said:

Your post was really helpful. I watched the first season a few years back now, and I had forgotten basically everything that happened. The new season is consistent with the first season up through portions of episode 17 based on my rewatch. Looking at the synopsis for the other 10 or so episodes, I vaguely remember them, and I'm kind of glad I mostly forgot them. The plot really went off the rails and just went worst case scenario without leaving any room for real character growth. There was no reasonable way to pull the show back on track from that filler arc, and making it at all was kind of a mistake.

Overall, I'm somewhat glad they decided to stick with it since I didn't need them spending 12 episodes recreating and consolidating the first season, but it makes episode 17 of season one weird. Without it, you won't fully understand where the show is at in the first episode of this season, but with it, you already have first interactions between Rin and everybody else that suddenly don't matter because this episode recreated those interactions on the train. It should be more of a clean break from here on out, but it was kind of a sloppy way to continue the series, even with the flashbacks for the sake of solidifying what events were actually relevant from the end of the first season's canon episodes.

Glad I could help. 

And I think it'll work in the end, even if seems confusing at first. I like the series, but I don't really want to watch the same thing again. It would have been helpful to do a episode 0 to lead up to this...but who knows if people want to watch that.

What is kinda funny that the recent manga (well past 15 chapters or so), have been using some similar plot points to what was used in the anime-original content from the first season. Which means this new anime will ignore the original content, only to potentially get back into it again if it keeps going long enough. Just hope they don't reuse all of it...since I thought the Sympathetic Satan story was kinda dumb.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334