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LuckyTrouble said:
My AOTY for 2016 was Assassination Classroom S2. It really surprised me in a good way, and I deeply enjoyed it as one of the best anime I've ever seen.

Nice, glad I'm not alone. 
I actually thought it started kind of slow, but looking back, it really enhanced the impact of the final few episodes. Now I can't help but see the overall package as amazing, knowing where it at all ends up.
3-Gatsu no Lion surprised me. I didn't realize Kyouko's 'boyfriend' was actually a married man. Seems like a real scumbag...I guess we finally have an antagonistic character...hopefully he's beaten in the next few episodes. *paces*  
I miss Bump of Chicken. Not really digging the new OP yet...but maybe it'll grow on me.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334