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Masamune is cute. Maybe not the most original plot out there, but it seems fun enough to keep watching. Pretty sure the main girl had a reason for rejecting the MC...seeing as how they apparently have an intentionally vague backstory together.

Ao no Exorcist was my most hyped show this season, but since I read the manga, I'll probably be that annoying guy that complains about them omitting or rushing something. Despite that, enjoyable first episode. I watched the first season so long ago, I forgot how many memorable voice actors are in this. Hana Kana as Shiemi, Yuki Kaji as Konekomaru, that guy who voices Zoro and Hijikata as Bon. Crazy.

Still...I'm surprised they basically ignored the conclusions to the first anime. Back before the season was announced, I was expecting it to be like Fullmetal Alchemist, and start fresh with the introduction before getting into the manga material, but it's just starting right at the plot divergence from the first anime. I guess this anime's target audience is mostly people who read the manga...or just forgot what happened in the first one. *shrug*

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334