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Well, Nintendo has been in a damned if they do damned if the don't scenario for a while. There isn't really any leeway for that hate to go down in this time either.
If they went with a powerful console with superior specs than PS4/XB1 now instead what we all assume they have, People will still tout the Pro and the Scorpio, and the subsequently tout the PS5's arrival. This will lead them to say that the console would be dated and the Wii U all over again and so forth.

We are in the damned if they don't scenario, and Nintendo will get more hate rather than less because we all assume its weaker. There is a higher chance some fans will feel spurned as opposed to the first situation. However, in this scenario, Nintendo has the advantage of blurring the home console and handheld console market, and grabbing consumers that already have the other 2 consoles.

In the long run it is possible for hate to go down, but even then highly unlikely.