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I really think there needs to be a better backup plan than "let your customer with his ticket stand there and watch his plane fly off" when their net connection is down for an hour and they can't connect to their servers to see that you haven't just randomly printed off a ticket in the hopes their system would not be able to accept it at the time, I mean would it be so hard for someone there to write down your reference number and to later check you as having gone on the flight when it worked? Say the system comes back and you got your flight when you were not meant to ... so fucking what? there was an empty seat on the plane for you and you took it, no real financial loss for the airline, instead the way they handle these things costs them customers.

Was like Wrestlemania last year, insane delays getting people into the stadium because their fancy new system didn't want to connect, fuck it, "show ticket" in you go, good stuff sorted.

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