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LMAO This is glorious! These moron poor white redecks that voted against their own interest (as they do not make 250k+ & the poor/middle class will pay for the tax cut for the rich) are getting a big ole FU to their faces by Trump! hahahaha  Anyone with a brain knew he was saying whatever made the crowds cheer to get elected, but never was gonna follow through with any of it! He could carealess about the poor! Also love how Trump gave Washington D.C. back to the people & drained that swamp! Whoops he is installing more lobbist, Billionaire Wall Street bankers, Oil Executives tight with Putin etc. His cabinet has more Billionaire elitist class than any in history! hahahahaha They let a reality star internet troll Yankee Billionaire that made his money off the backs of the less fortunate & stiffing small business by filing for bankruptcy 7x & not paying taxes lmao Idiots! The best part is he lost HUUUUUUGE by 3 Million votes 20x more than Gore beat Bush by & yet he acts like he won this massive victory. Well when he screws the nation, he cannot point any fingers as he has a Repo House & Senate. Get ya popcorn ready! This is gonna be fun to watch! In the OP's video the morons in the crowd were like what?!.. the claps stopped & they were like damn he played us.