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FF XIII will be great, I just watched the trailer again (again) and it just looks incredible, and I do love my FF FMVs. SE have been working on this for ages, and if it not great, their reputation will be ruined. FF will be the best RPG they release (very likely) as it is their flagship product, and they want to use that to lure people into other SE games, that are more obscure, such as the Last Remnant, Star Ocean and maybe even Infinite Undiscovery (even though that is only on 360)

However, FF XIII is not the reason why the PS3 will win the battle of the RPGs, it will win because Japan hates the 360, so the jRPGs will sell far more on PS3. Howevre, that does not mean that the PS3 will have more and better RPGs, especially with Mistwalker working exclusively for M$, and the IU exclusivity. However, I think that XIII and vXIII will have enough of an effect to make PS3 the place for jRPGs (eventually) with WKC and probably SO 4 as well.