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curl-6 said:
TheFallen said:
By the time Zelda releases, it will be almost 6 years since Skyward Sword released. I mean that is a ridiculously long time to wait. I don't ever want to wait that long between main entries. A Zelda release is enough to convince me to buy Nintendo's system. The absolute best case scenario, is we'll get 2 main entries of Zelda during the Switch's lifetime . It's been just too damn long.

Agreed, the Zelda team has gotten ridiculously slow and unproductive. 

At this rate, we'll get 2 Zelda games in ten years from 2012-2022, while if they made their games every three years like most other AAA studios can, we could have gotten 3.


Platina said:
B-but they promoted it on E3.. as a Wii U game

Well, Super Paper Mario was once promoted as a Gamecube game, and Last Guardian as a PS3 game.

JEMC said:

I hate to say it, but yes, it would make sense.

Launching it only on Switch would force every Zelda fan (and any gamer that wants to play the new Zelda), to buy their new console. And Nintendo needs to sell as many Switch consoles as they can.

But even fans have a limit on the amount of abuse they will take. I was a Nintendo fan since 1994, but if Zelda is made Switch exclusive, I will refuse to buy it or Switch on principal. Wii U gamers comprise the loyalist core of Nintendo's dwindling fanbase, pissing them off is not a good idea.

They might get better at developing Zelda games in case Switch succeeds. So they'd have only one console to support.

About the Wii U fanbase, I agree. That'd be a shame if they decided to kill Zelda Wii U. It'd be a nightmare for me.

God bless You.

My Total Sales prediction for PS4 by the end of 2021: 110m+

When PS4 will hit 100m consoles sold: Before Christmas 2019

There were three ravens sat on a tree / They were as blacke as they might be / The one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakfast take?