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TheBigFatJ said:
Final Fantasy used to be awesome. I remember loving it on my NES when I was young, looking at the map and the monster charts, leveling in the ogre plains.

Final Fantasy 4 is my favorite, although Final Fantasy 6 is awesome too. Final Fantasy 7 is where the series dropped off significantly. I tried so hard to like the game, and even played it up to the snowboarding part. It just wasn't good and I ended up abandoning it.

I pretty much agree with you whole heartedly. Final Fantasy IV is my favorite and I tried to like FFVII. I completed the game twice. I still didn't like and like it less and less as time has passed. I take a different view on FFXIII, not what if its bad, but what if its actually good. Out of the last seven Final Fantasy titles I've only like 2. FFIX and FFX. Out of the first six Final Fantasy titles I only dislike one Final Fantasy II. So my confidence in Square Enix to make a new top notch Final Fantasy title is virtually non-existent.