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There aren't many ways Wii could fail at this time. However, they still exist. First, if people somehow stopped liking it. If it was only a moment (kinda long one though) people like it. I don't believe that though. Second, there seems to be demand for PS3. Its greatest disadvantage is probably its price. Once the price drops and some more casual games come out, it has a good chance of catching up with Wii. That's, of course, only if it happens in time. And third, the last, HD gets common quickly and people want to take advantage of it.

At the moment it's impossible to say anything. It is pretty clear that unless MS manages to do something miraculous, it's between Wii and PS3. Right noe it would seem Wii is going to win but I wouldn't be so sure about it. Playstation is still a huge brand. Sony just needs to get the price down and casual games out to get in the competition and they have a chance to win. I'd say they need to hurry if they are to beat Wii, though.

Nothing's sure yet. We should wait a year or two before saying anything. Preferably two.