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There is like a 95 percent chance that Nintendo will win the console "War"

Microsoft and Sony both have to pull out some magic fucking rabbits out of their hats to finish first.

Thats where there is going to be a serious "Battle" for the second place, they are both serious contenders.

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

Playstation Network: Jessman_Aus - Playing: MGS4, Resistance 2

Wii Freind Code: 3513-9191-8534-3866 - Playing: SSBB

Brawl Code: 1590-6125-1250

Xfire: J3ssman - Playing: Fallout 3, Farcry 2

Jessman: Fears the Mangina