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Ouroboros24 said:
bunchanumbers said:

But change isn't really staring us in the face. Its one guy. This one guy isn't going to change the entire system. He will need the support of congress and the senate. Pretty much all those guys he turned on and insulted during his campaign. They will not support any of his ideas or policies. If you thought the republican congress and senate against Obama was bad, this is going to be even worse. The one thing he will have control over will be the nuclear codes and executive orders. He'll end up using those against everyone who ever wronged him in his own mind and it will not be pretty.

Not to mention Supreme court justices. He'll end up dragging the country back 75 years with his choices.

And no. Ratings don't speak anything about how awesome a product is. There are smaller promotions that have lower ratings and are awesome.

I didn't say he was going to change the entire system, I simply argue that he is a change in the machine.  With another politician, history tells us it's more of the same.  Hillary is up there right now because she played the best politician out of everyone one else.  And who knows if Trump can't get the support he needs to do what needs to be done?  I'm not saying he will.  I'm saying, there is a shot because we're not repeating history.   As for all the guys he's upset, so what.  Seems to me you're giving him little credit.  So now Hillary is going to be the great unify?  Again speculations.  We don't know.  I'm not giving out any certainties here.  I'm arguing that it's a change from what we've been doing.  That's all. 

Nuclear codes and executive orders.  Speculations.  You act like this guy killed someone before.  He's a rich kid from new york, but I don't think he's ever killed anyone.  And you know what, I think he could have if he wanted to, he's rich enough.  He has family here.  He's not the monster everyone paints him to be.  Bro, you're telling me he's going to get upset one day, head straight for the button and push?  He's not going to have advisors, generals, his vice president, his family, his friends, etc to guide him on not pushing?  Let's not fear monger this strictly on speculation. 

Ratings speak volumes, but they don't tell the whole story.  I'll give you that.  But when you're watching smackdown live and your champion is wrestling a nobody for the main event, albeit a comedic role for your former champion, that does not make it awesome.  Dean Ambrose is faltering.  He used to be hot(at least as hot as the product gets in modern), right now he's resting on his laurels.  No one else other than the Miz and Ziggler making any noise.  Fruit roll-ups as finishers?  No, not awesome.  mediocre.

He already said he would fire all the generals. He said that he is the only one who can save the country. He won't be relying on anyone. He already said he will appoint a special prosecutor to Clinton. He said he will sue the women he allegedly assaulted. He said he would get rid of womens right to choose. He has 3am twitter rants against anyone and everyone who disrespects him. Now give him the nukes. It won't be pretty. 

Miz and Ziggler are the best part of Smackdown. But I always thought Ambrose was overrated. And yes I'm not a fan of what they did with AJ Styles. He nearly killed that guy because he couldn't take a move right. But there are entertaining things going on there that I enjoy.