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Intrinsic said:
lonerism said:
I can't believe that in 2016 we still can't use external HDD

This is ridiculous

This has nothung to do with the year or the hardware, its obviously a decision Sony has chosen to make. 

I think this has to do with piracy. I really can't think of any other reason why they don't allow the use of an external HDD.

But this would have been a really awesome feature tho,  with this I could settle for a 256GB internal SSD and then a 4TB USB drive and if possible just move the games I am currently playing onto the internal drive. Copying over USB 3 will be faster than redownloading stuff. 

But now I have to use a 512GB SSD for my pro (cause I can't justify buying a 1TB SSD for it). 

on the XB1, if using an external HDD is it possible to move data between it and the internal drive or the XB1 just sees it all as one drive?

Yes you can transfer data from one to the other.