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Miyamotoo said:
bunchanumbers said:

I'm not being unrealistic. Nintendo could easily make a home console that is more powerful than the Xbox One for around $249 or even $199. Polaris 11 is a gpu that puts out around 2.5 TFs, costs $99, and uses little power. Add on the right parts, get the right distribution deals and you got a great little console that puts out solid graphics for around $199-249.

Instead, we're getting a 720p tablet that has a gpu that is 5 times less powerful, has detachable controllers, and comes with a bunch of peripherals to make it work on a TV. And you're expecting $299 for that?

And power may not ensure 3rd party ports, but not having power does. If a 3rd party dev has to pretty much tear their own game apart to make it fly on NX, they won't bother.

Again you talk only about hardware power, its not just hardware power what makes console. If that is a case why 3DS doesn't have price of $49, it has very weak hardware!?

Of Course, I expecting $249-299 price point, expecting $99-149 (when 3DS is $150) is talking crazy staffs. Again that is a hybrid, home console (that is around 3x stronger than WiiU) and handheld in one, not just Wii U or 3DS, but Wii U and 3DS in same package.

Offcoruse, some 3rd partys will suport NX (you can count almost all Japanese 3rd party), some will not (for instance hardly we will see Bethesda games), but for most developers its most important how much NX will be popular and how much will sale.

You look at NX like just handheld, but its not, its handheld (big) and home console, so you cant expect that will have lower price than 3DS or Vita, lol.

You realize they're selling the 2DS for $79 right? And that's including a game and memory card. I wouldn't be surprised if they're spending less than $50 to produce a 2DS.

If NX is going to be a 720p tablet, I don't see why they can't make it for $99 or $149.