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Barkley said:
Soundwave said:

Your phone doesn't have a better spec than a Pascal-based Nvidia Tegra. That chip would melt the inside of the your phone in an hour running at full tilt. 

Nintendo can use their own custom OS and make piracy a lot tougher, but have Android app ability, or even just have a setup where by Android apps can basically be "converted" to use on the NX with a short verification process. That would allow Nintendo to have hundreds of apps very quickly. There are many ways to do it. 

Notice how I said non-gaming. I'm referring to things like Resolution, Battery Life, Camera and interfacing with other devices, things the Tablet Crowd actually care about.

The NX will be 720p, my Phone is 1080p.

The NX battery life will probably be naff.

The NX camera will almost certainly be naff, compared to my phones 13mp.


As for the Android route, the WiiU is completely hacked open, you need nothing but an SD card and an internet connection and any idiot can play homebrew and pirated games on the machine. That's Nintendo's OWN OS. Now android is potentially the most modifiable, hackable and easily piratable OS on the planet, If Nintendo can't develop a Secure OS themselves then making a version of Android that is secure is absolutely impossible for them.

The NX is almost certainly going to have a larger battery than your phone. Because it has to have one to run that Tegra X1 chip, that means for whatever non-gaming tasks it does, the battery life for *that* should actually be pretty good. 

720p I think is a smarter resolution choice for that screen size. Higher would just needlessly drain the battery and at 6-inches, the PPI is quite good, nearly as good as a $500+ iPad. 

Most people don't take pictures with their tablet, so I don't think that's a big issue with the NX (the camera). 

Well if your point is that even a custom OS can get hacked ... then I guess my answer is ... so? Doesn't that just show people will hack anything (custom, open, whatever), so if that's the case, then Nintendo should just choose Android, at least they get a benefit from that in app revenue and access to a wide spectrum of functionality from day 1 without having to spend a dime. There is piracy on all popular platforms, the point is to limit it so that the average, regular player doesn't use it, but if some hardcore geek on the internet wants to exploit some low level hack, you're never going to prevent that type of person from doing that type of stuff.