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Just a note, I think each has their own metric with popularity, and 10 replies could be enough for some.

My first real let down was a topic on the two pressure points capability resistive touchscreens have, thought it was something not really known but very few people cared. This generation I have touched a few topics that didn't seem to ignite much discussion either, standouts could be threads such as educational software, legacy compatibility, WiiU omissions and Gamepad BC incompatibility (twice).

Still the cake for me was my little eShop Cafe, I like the digital side of things plus the initial response was good, but I just couldn't keep it going just by myself... not sure how the megacompilation threads do it ;)

And from the previous dud threads we have topics that should never be discussed in VGC such as mobile gaming or weekly digital updates.

pbroy said:
GribbleGrunger said:
I put a lot of sweat and tears into this one but not a single hit. I was very disappointed:

What do you expect? It's only been made 17 minutes ago. You didn't even write that article. How long does copy and pasting take, anyways? Maybe it's just hot in your room and you have something in your eye? 😒

Apparently 15min and no reply is an instant fail for GG.

EDIT: Or maybe he already knew the topic is a no go here.

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