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torok said:

While I understand this, numbers aren't showing this kind of difference in performance. I have a OC 970 (it gives around stock 980 performance), which, as you say, is supposed to destroy the underclocked 480 on the Pro. But my GPU does ROTR on max settings in 1080p floating between 35 to 50 fps. To reach 1440p, I would probably have to run it on medium-high. No way I'm touching 4K even if I could use checkerboard rendering and my PC is way more expensive than a Pro. So yes, it is beating 2 year GPUs pretty handily.

Also, mind that "2 year GPU talk" is more exagerated than it looks, because the newer models are not that more powerful. A 1080 can't even double a stock 970 and is more akin to beating my model by 70% at best. And that's a unfair comparison since mine isn't the equivalent model in the previous line. So if the Pro is beating my GPU, it isn't actually that far from even the 1080 in-game performance. You probably could do ROTR around 35 to 45 fps maxed on the 1080, so it isn't that much of a difference. When you consider that you expent 400 bucks on one side and probably 1200 in the other, it seems like a no-brainer.

They actually did some nice upgrades on it. It's very competitive with PCs when talking about 4K, specially because 4K and 60fps demands in most cases 2 GPUs. I would need a 1000 bucks PC do do a similar showing. I don't even know if the 1070 would do much better, maybe just the 1080. Anyway, both GPUs are more expensive than the entire console alone.

I think you are a little bit confused here, the Pro doesn't beat a 970 here's why.

The Pro doesn't play games at 4K, it renders them at 1440p or 1600p at most and at medium-high settings 30fps.The console upscales games to 4K but it doesn't actually play them at 4K, just like the XB1S doesn't play at 4k when it upscales 900p games for that resolution.

I think(if my calculations are not mistaken) the 970 should be able to handle 1440p gameplay at medium-high settings at 60fps or at least close to it.I say this because I did some tests yesterday(please check link) before the Pro was announced and was really surprised by how taxing Ultra settings actually are.I didn't specify this in the linked comment but my average performance with only one GPU on GTAV maxed out is around 42fps while with medium-high settings it was 65fps and in TW3 maxed out my average performance is less than 30fps with hairworks on, but with medium-high settings and hairworks it was close to 40fps average.

This is not to say though that the Pro is a bad machine, it actually(just like when the PS4 just released)is the best bang for the buck when it comes to gaming, and I am really exited for it.