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FloatingWaffles said:
outlawauron said:

In what way? Because consoles definitely do a lot better at economic part of the competition.

Economically sure, consoles do well because they are simple and easy. Pay $400 for a box that you can place a game into and just play and not have to worry about setting or anything like that. That is the whole point essentially, also exclusives and such as well.

They will never be able to compete with PC because PC is an always evolving thing unlike consoles. There are no "hardware generations" for PC. When Sony wanted to make a more powerful PS4 they couldn't just update the regular PS4, they had to release a whole new seperate devision called the PS4 Pro. Where as with PC you can do it at anytime you want and new PC hardware is always coming out that you can always just keep adding new stuff to, where as with consoles you are constrained to what is actually in the box and you can't upgrade it. 

That is why consoles can't compete with PC because PC is always years ahead in terms of hardware because they can just release whenever they want, they don't have to wait for a new  generation or such.And while the price can cost a lot more for a PC, it depends on what hardware you want in it, sure if you want the BEST and most recent hardware in your gaming PC it will cost a lot, but I remember reading articles when the PS4 and Xbox One came out about how you could build a gaming PC for the same price and it would be more powerful than the consoles.

It's also why consoles are always less powerful than even years old PC's because they have to keep the price affordable to sell, so they have to get the cheaper components that maybe released a few years back and not the most recent graphics card and stuff like that, unless they want to sell the console at a loss.

Sony is coming from a sales and active userbase perspective and so was I. Far more consoles out there than "gaming PCs" and games obviously sell better on consoles. From a strict individual standpoint, you can't offer a console that can compete the best of the best ever changing tech, but improvements like what they're trying to do will hold you over until the next generation in ~2/3 years.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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