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Captain_Yuri said:

"We wanted to keep those people within our eco-system by giving them the very best and very highest [performance quality]"

By using a mid ranged 2016 GPU with a weak sauce CPU? Where the gamers have to choose between visuals or performance? While not allowing Mod Support?

Good Luck lawl

But midranged in the PC world takes you very far these days because Moore's law is broken and hardware technology is advancing so slow now.

The only GPU that is twice as fast as a PS4 Pro is the GTX 1080p and the new Titan. For $600. And only 1% av all PC guys own one of those. And even these guys struggle to run Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 in 4K and 60fps.

A GTX 1070 is 60% faster than the PS Pro and that GPU still costs 500 Euro! And these guys can not run most games in 4K/60fps.

So only a tiny minority of PC gamers (perhaps 4-5% in the upcoming year) actually have that choice of getting "both visuals and performance" you speak of.