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Pemalite said:

I think you are missing the point.

The iPhone is priced as a high-end device... But much of it's hardware is only average/mid-range.

In other words, you are not getting good value for money...

I disagree, I am certainly happier with my premium iPhone than I was with my premium Samsung.

If some people are happier with more RAM, some are happier with with Touch ID & 3D touch and a processor that doesnt throttle.

99% of Android phones released with SD 810 had embarrassing issues with heating up and throttling, it was a complete joke. Were buyers getting good value for their money? Not to mention, they were getting a much inferior GPU, but let's not mention those facts.

Let's pretend that only iPhone users get the shortest end of the stick in every scenario and there is nothing superior about the iPhone experience.

And when Apple does decide to catch up to it's competitors... Then people start to hail it as the second coming.
For instance, people defended Apple for years with their decision not to increase device sizes... But when they did... People upgraded and praised Apple for the decision, you literally can't win.

Who are these people? Fanboys on the internet? 

Millions of people in the real world were holding off buying an iPhone, until they got iPhones with bigger screens. Talk is cheap, voting with money matters.

Just look at this graph and keep in mind that iPhone 6 was released in late 2014.

and guess what? I am one of those millions.

and seriously, this argument is silly, bringing up "people on the internet" to make a point? lol

People also said Touch ID is a gimmick, look we are now. But I am above bringing up those silly people to make a point.

If you think that the iPhone 6s 4.7" 1334x750 display or 6s Plus 5.5" 1920x1080 IPS display is somehow in-league with the 2560x1440/4k display's... Then you are simply kidding yourself. There is a massive perceivable difference... Especially when it comes to Aliasing.

Keep in mind that the eye doesn't see in pixels either.

Ok. So every reviewer on the internet is kidding themselves and the iPhone screen is terrible compared to other flagships.

I really don't care about the numbers you are throwing because I know them, and acknowledged them, and they don't mean much in the real world to a lot of people, including critics. I also admit the screens aren't better than those you find on the Samsung S7, for example, but they are not crap, either.

iOS being locked down is both a Pro and Con, as I elaborated on. :P
I can see why people would like things on either side of the fence.

For me though, I spent years with Windows Phone which is even more tightly locked down than iOS... And now happily using Android and enjoy the customization that a more open device allows.


If you think the iPhone has ever been in the same league as the big 20-40 Megapixel shooters... You are simply kidding yourself... And there are allot of such phones ranging from the Lumia 1020, Sony Xerpia, Asus Zenfone 3, Samsung Galaxy Zoom, HTC One M9+, Lenovo Vibe X3, Huawei Mate 9... And more.

Galaxy Zoom and Lumia 1020 were designed for that purpose, a purpose that doesn't seem enticing to consumers, both phones are discontinued and got no "sequels"

I am comparing the iPhone to the other top selling premium phones. Not some discontinued niche products, and yes, that includes Sony Xperia phones. I don't know why included the Xperia when it constantly performs worse than the Samsung S phones, that would've a better line up to include in your list.

Even the other flagships made by the same companies that made those niche products couldn't compete with their own camera-focused line up, were they being cheap and their users were not getting good value for their money then? Hardly. 

You know better than bringing megapixles into the discussion, but I think you realized you were wrong so you are just throwing names and numbers.


You have obviously not seen the benefits more Ram can bring.
Imagine having multiple Apps running in the background... Then load up your web browser with a heap of tabs open... Then switch back to your App... Then switch back to your browser.

What happens then? The Phone doesn't have the memory to hold everything and the browser is then required to refresh all the pages and render them again, the iPhone needs to evict apps once memory is full sooner than any other high-end device, this is a literal physical limitation and it has been that way for years.

I think you are under the assumption that more Ram accellerates processing, it doesn't, of course it's not an issue if you are only a light user anyway, power users will of course wish to adhere to more capable devices.

Browser tabs refreshing is a problem I ran into with my first iPhone, iPhone 6, no denying that. It wasn't a big issue to me and it's certainly not something I run into now with my 6s. So I'll give you this one

Why? Because everyone on this planet has the exact same kind of usage scenario's and expectations that you do? Hardly.

Lol. Everything you brought up and held it against the iPhone was because you wanted your device to behave in a certain way, and now you are telling me I am not getting good value for my money.

I, on the other hand, was just trying to bring balance to the discussion. And giving examples on how Android users got the shorter end of the stick with the CPU, GPU, not having touch ID for a good long while, non-existent long term software support. However, I am not saying "they are not getting good value for your money" because non of that may matter to them, and they probably value screen resolution and more RAM above other things. I used to prefer the options Android gave me at some point, so I get it.

Lastly, If you are replying again, please refrain from using "people on the internet said X" statements. It's silly. Fanboys are everywhere, on every side. You are better than that.