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thismeintiel said:
Soundwave said:

It's going to take more than "terms", Sony and MS are going to have to offer Nintendo much more than that IMO. 

Nintendo doesn't need to go slumming like a common 3rd party when many vendors like Apple or Google or Facebook or Disney would likely be quite happy to finance/co-develop hardware with Nintendo. 

So Sony/MS will have to top that and IMO the price will be steep. I would say MS would basically have to give Nintendo control of their XBox division pretty much for example for them to consider something like that. 

And you're right, Nintendo is in a very different position from Sega, Pokemon Go shows how valuable their IP can be, so they have options that Sega never could've dreamed of. 

Given the choice I think Nintendo would prefer to work with another company (like say a Google) on a hardware platform that they have considerable control and design input in than just be a regular third party. 

Sony and MS wouldn't have to offer them anything.  If the NX crashes and burns, Nintendo only has two options.  They either go mobile. Or they stick with consoles, possibly porting their games to mobile.  No one has to offer them anything, because Nintendo no longer holds the cards.  Unless they want to stop making games, they have to have something to put them on.

Sure, they have good IPs, but after the Wii U and hypothetical NX failure, it's obvious those IPs won't carry a system.  I'm sure MS may offer them money to have their games exclusive, depending how well the Xbox division is doing then, but I'm not sure Nintendo would take it.  Especially if they would have to ignore the 70M+ PS4 systems that would be out at that time. All Sony would do is probably offer a free dev kit and the same deal they make to any 3rd party and Nintendo could release it on whatever system they wanted.

And I highly doubt they want to go into a partnership with Google or Apple at that point, because in the position Nintendo would find itself, both would want something in return besides the fees Sony and MS ask to publish a game on their system.  Like part ownership of Nintendo.  Or of the IPs.  And they would have greater control over the development of those games.  Those are things Nintendo wants to avoid at all costs.

Or Nintendo could opt to go with a streaming service for their games. In which case again Apple, Google, Netflix, Samsung, and probably a multitude of others would be extremely interested. Or a multitude of other options. Even with an NX failure they would likely have no shortage of suitors. 

Sony/MS don't really hold any cards here, even though Sony has a decent userbase (though miniscule compared to what Apple and Google have), there isn't really even much of a gauruntee that many Nintendo IP would do all that great. How of the top 15 Playstation franchises are family friendly games? *crickets*. 

Mario/Mario Kart/Smash/Zelda would sell well, but those would sell well on almost any system, there's a good chance a game like Splatoon never would've taken off on the XBox or Playstation. 

Hell Nintendo could just double down on mobile, making controllers for mobile devices ... which would probably result in disaster for the Playstation/XBox brands because if Nintendo ever backed mobile and gave those devices physical controls it could lead to a generation of kids that simply view the giant "shoebox home console" concept as outdated and unneccessary. 

I think in a lot of ways that is what NX is exactly ... it's a smart tablet that basically plays mobile apps (hence the Nikkei report of them using Android) but can also run traditional Nintendo games and brings physical controls to both worlds and can play games on a television as a console to boot. I think Nintendo basically 2-3 years ago internally said "fuck it, we can't beat mobile, so we'll join mobile". This is when development of Pokemon Go began, the deal with DeNA started to take shape, and the NX project itself was starting up.