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I'm pretty sure almost every gamer at least once dreamed about a game that came into his or her mind and thought: "That would be so cool! Why nobody made something like that yet?"

So, this thread is for you to dream on. Think about a game that you would love to play, but you can't. Not because it's on a different platform, but because it was never done before.

It doesn't matter if it's something about a franchise that already exists, like a HD Side-Scrolling God of War, a sequel to something that probably won't happen, or a totally new idea created by your mind. 

As for me... You guys may think I'm crazy, but I would love to play a Action-Adventure Street Fighter where you choose a character and fight your way to stop Shadaloo in a Open-World game with missions, side-quests, cutscenes and stuff.

Come on! Maybe some company will stalk this forum and grab our ideas... A man can dream, right?