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Nuvendil said:
binary solo said:

You're not alone in being fine with the tone. My main beef was that this was a Superman sequel (because the villans were both Superman villains) but it also tried to be a Batman re-boot and a Wonder Woman intro and it didn't do any of those things terribly well. I still liked the movie but it was trying to do too much to be one of the greats. It felt like the DC guys trying to play catch up with Marvel.

Also Batman killing people? That's rather problematic from a lore perspective, especially they way he was shooting people up Rambo style. That was actually the main thing I had a serious problem with. One can say that this is Batman 20 years after becoming the Bat and he's become somewhat more flexible with his no kill policy as shit kept hitting the fan over those 20 years. But still, we weren't reated to that evolution in his character. It was shoved in our face in a way that probably wouldn't have happend if the movie simply stuck to being a proper Batman reboot, which is what it should have been. 

The Batman killing people seems like something they may address here and probably in the Batman film.  This info here looks promising: (be advised, a lot of potential very mild spoilers, though nothijg plot ruining)

Basically, in BvS he was Batman on the edge of dispair, jaded from all he had seen and especially Robin's death, and was obviously very pissed at Supes.  In JL, Superman's sacrifice has had a real impact on him and he's now looking to honor his sacrifice and live up to higher ideals.  If the Batman film focuses on Robin's death and how we got to BvS, we could have a really strong arc here, just released annoyingly out of sequence :P

That's fine and all, but that information needed to be in this movie, which had time to waste on all kinds of other shit.  Especially when both the comic version and the previous movie versions both showed a Batman who could not be driven to murder, you can't just have him show up and gun people down.