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Einsam_Delphin said:
Angelus said:

My post was about the show, and thus on topic. Glad we could clear that up 😉


Well if you wanna try to be a smarty and take my joke seriously, the topic is whether or not Ash will win the League, your post about you not liking Pokemon has nothing to do with that.


Peh said:

Some posts don't need an answer. And this is one of them.
Pokemon has a progressing story, where as Spongebob and the Simpsons don't. Just sayin'.


Then don't make a post asking a question you don't want answered to begin with?

Progressing story =/= characters must age, if that's what you're trying to get at.

Well, reading between the lines, your OT is about Ash's lacking throughout the long history of the show, and I include this lacking as the chief reason for my dislike of the show, and my confusion for why one would still be interested in following such a lacking character's journey throughout the Pokemon world, when there are numerous ways of taking in Pokemon related media without having to put up with Ash. Thus, again, I feel my post was completely fair and on topic. And no, you don't have to justify to me what you like, or why you like it, I was just curious, that's all.